Our Mission: The Foundation for Fresno Unified Schools works to help make sure every student, in every school, has the tools and resources to reach their highest potential. As the strategic fundraising partner for Fresno Unified, we gather with our schools and greater community to accelerate progress for our students through highlighting the great things going on in Fresno Unified and funding the highest impact investments.
The Foundation for Fresno Unified Schools was established in 2022 under the leadership of Superintendent Bob Nelson. Bob has an unmatched ability to “woo” and win funders and influence supporters to change and improve the culture of the district.
Wendy McCulley, Chief of the Office of Engagement and External Partnerships, has a strong business background, something often missing in public education, with a focused entrepreneurial growth mindset and new energy. Wendy’s ability to connect our community partners whose work aligns with student growth to become involved in more engagement opportunities is proven as evidenced through her work in the Department of African American Academic Acceleration.
The Foundation for Fresno Unified Schools as a new entity will be focused on developing diverse opportunities for philanthropic, community and business partnerships that support student and teacher opportunities for innovative projects.
The Foundation for Fresno Unified Students’ 2024 Annual Report is now available for viewing. Read on to learn about everything we’ve done for the greater good in our community and in the interests of our students, as well as what new developments lie ahead. This report demonstrates the ways the Foundation and you have worked together to do so much good for the education of children in Fresno.
Our Vision: The Foundation for Fresno Unified Schools supports Fresno Unified School District’s vision – Where students, families, and staff are valued and empowered to achieve their greatest potential. As the district moves forward in implementing its vision, mission, values, and goals with a strategic eye towards Achieving Our Greatest Potential!, the Foundation will strategically support high impact initiatives that will provide measurable results for student achievement.
906 N St., Suite 115
Fresno, CA 93721